Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One Last One

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
OK- I'll stop with the wedding photos already!


Alex said...

Great perspective! Lovely and romantic picture too. I love it.

extraspecialbitter said...

"...not wishing to tarnish the sanctity of their brand-new marriage, the happy couple walked to their deaths in the river".

(And they all lived happily ever after)

MMM said...

ESB- Yikes! That's very Virginia Woolf-esque.

TRM said...

I love the walking away shots in a wedding, draws one into the future maybe, the couple heading towards something, and shows off the setting in a damatic fashion.

Dave MacIntyre said...

Excellent series of the wedding!

MMM said...

Thanks everyone...I appreciate the kind words. I also now appreciate how hard professional wedding photographers work!