Thursday, December 28, 2006

Where Is The Snow?

Cochituate, Massachusetts

I hate shoveling it, driving in it and walking the dog in it....So why am I so depressed about not having any snow in Boston yet this winter? This photo was taken a few winters ago.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Gathering

Natick, Massachusetts
Taken out the car window while the sun set on Christmas Eve.
'Twas only good thing about driving home from the mall...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Well Rounded Chihuahua Owner

Bay Colony Dog Show- Boston, Massachusetts
The breed standard created by the American Kennel Club states that Chihuahuas should have "a well rounded apple-dome skull."

Friday, December 15, 2006

Stepford Wives

Boston, Massachusetts
Last weekend I met up with some dog rescue friends who were volunteering at an outreach booth at a big fancy dog show.
Being involved with rescue you learn to appreciate each individual, yet imperfect snowflake of a dog for exactly what they are. Most of which were badly bred or a mix of who-knows-who-your-daddy-was.
The whole idea of breeding dogs to look exactly alike kind of creeps me out.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Cochituate, Massachusetts
I'd really like to say that she's staring out that window waiting for me to come home.
Truth is, she's honed in on a squirrel's ass halfway up the tree outside the window.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Thank You!

Cochituate, Massachusetts
Wayland Boy Scout Troop 1 of Cochituate show their gratitude to the community for the outpouring of donations they received after the theft of 50 of their fund-raising Christmas trees.
Police report that someone stole $2000.00 worth of Christmas trees from the troop's tree stand next to the Methodist church late last Saturday night. Once the news got out, several area landscapers and nurseries donated new trees and local residents donated thousands of dollars to the troop.
The sale of the trees is the troop's only fund-raiser and it pays for various hiking and camping trips throughout the year.
Police have no solid leads in the case.
What kind of person sneaks up to a church and steals Christmas trees from Boy Scouts?!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Discussing The Weather

Wellesley Square, Massachusetts
Geese discuss our recent mild spell of weather while waiting for their limo driver in posh downtown Wellesley.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Decorating The Tree

Cochituate, Massachusetts

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Want to know the story behind it?
Maybe it's funnier without the explanation.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Davis Square T Station- Somerville, Massachusetts

Saturday, November 25, 2006

10 a.m.

Park Street Station- Boston, Massachusetts
It was 10 a.m. and he was drunk.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Layin' Low

Sherborn, Massachusetts
Just layin' low today...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Cochituate, Massachusetts
The last dogwood leaf.
Like us, he's procrastinating getting to the untidy yard full of leaves.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Cochituate, Massachusetts
A maple leaf's descent is interrupted by our dogwood tree.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Three Lamps And A Pepsi

Cochituate, Massachusetts

Outside the nursing home.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


St. Zeph's Church- Cochituate, Massachusetts
Took this today- Our 5th day in a row of overcast and foggy weather.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hopping Cretins

Cape Cod Coliseum- South Yarmouth, Massachusetts
I was listening to The Ramones song ""Cretin Hop" yesterday and it prompted me to dig through my archives and play with a few old photos.
I took this shot of The Ramones in 1981 or there-abouts. I forced my way to the front of the crowd in what felt like 150 degree heat in the place. When I was done taking photos I had to shove my way through a pogoing, moshing group of maniacs and I lost one of my flip flops in the ordeal. I was dripping wet, missing a shoe but didn't really care because I knew I had a few good shots. Ah...youth!
"You gotta keep your feet in- From the hopping cretins."
I know those aren't exactly the lyrics...but they should be.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Looking Up

Cochituate, Massachusetts

Shot through the sun roof of my car.

While parked. :-)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Day

The side of a warehouse- Cambridge, Massachusetts

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Reading Glasses

Braintree, Massachusetts
Even bad-ass biker bass players need magnification now and then.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pizza Guys

Coolidge Corner- Brookline, Massachusetts
Click on the photo to enlarge it.
Seeing the flour on the window is an important part of the experience. :-)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Post-Halloween Swamp Fog

Cochituate, Massachusetts
Across the street from our house...Very early this morning.

Not a big surprise that trick-or-treaters never dare walk down the dirt road to ring our doorbell.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Got Dracula?

St. Mary's Cemetery- Whitby, England
Whitby is a central location in Bram Stoker's novel Dracula.
He vacationed there while writing the novel- Clearly a place full of inspiration.
When we visited there six years ago I was more worried about being done in by the 199 steps I had to climb to get to St. Mary's church than I was about being bit on the neck.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Boston Blues Challenge

Braintree, Massachusetts
For many years I was on the board of directors of the Boston Blues Society and helped produce the annual "Boston Blues Challenge". The band that wins this competition gets to go to Memphis to compete in the international compeition against blues bands from all over the world.
In years past some of our Boston representatives have done pretty well. Susan Tedeschi and Michelle Willson were both Boston winners and have gone on to be signed by major record labels.
I retired from that volunteer position a few years ago- But the folks who produce the competition these days are always nice enough to invite me back to be a judge.
I snuck away from my judgerly duties long enough to snap this photo of a roadie watching her band perform from the wings.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

At The Red Light

Natick, Massachusetts

Shot through my passenger side window at a red light.

I take my own dog for a 1.5 mile walk every morning. We walk past many commuters sitting in cars at the traffic light near our house. Over the years I've had clients, friends and even my own husband tell me that they spotted us and beeped and waved...even called my name. Without fail, I NEVER notice but folks say my dog Bonita always makes eye contact and acknowledges them!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Katrina Transplant

Johnny Ds- Somerville, Massachusetts

Jeremy Lyons lived for many years in New Orleans.
Katrina pushed him back up to Boston.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Wombat Bass

Johnny Ds- Somerville, Massachusetts

This is "Washtub" Robbie Phillips playing his homemade "Wombat" bass. Robbie is a fixture in the Boston roots music scene. We are lucky to have him here. He's toured with the likes of Spider John Koerner and G. Love and Special Sauce.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beautiful Guitars Part II

Blues legend Paul Rishell at Johnny Ds in Somerville, Massachusetts

I took all of these photos without a flash or tripod. I smushed the camera into my face, held my breath and was pretty happy with the gritty outcome.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Beautiful Guitars

Bill McQuaid at Johnny Ds in Somerville, Massachusetts

We attended a blues benefit for the Somerville Homeless Coalition.

DJ Rich Hughes organized the event and gathered together some of the best acoustic blues musicians in Boston to perform.

The guitars looked as beautiful as they sounded.
This is Bill with his National Steel guitar built in 1931.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Bait & Switch?

Wayland, Massachusetts

Buyer beware!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Show Off!

Wellesley Town Hall- Wellesley, Massachusetts
As usual, Daisy is the biggest show-off in her waterfowl yoga class.

Friday, October 13, 2006


St. Francis Cathedral- Santa Fe, New Mexico

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Window Of Opportunity

Canyon Road- Santa Fe, New Mexico
I bet there are chiles inside this place.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I Have A Problem

Near The Plaza- Santa Fe, New Mexico
OK- So I had some difficulty NOT taking photos of chiles.
I admit I have a problem....but I can quit them anytime I want.
I have it under control.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Near The Plaza- Santa Fe, New Mexico
Heaven on earth.
Capsaicin is my drug of choice.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Columbus Day

Institute of American Indian Arts
Museum Art Park- Santa Fe, New Mexico
A fitting photo for today.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Institute of American Indian Arts
Museum Art Park- Santa Fe, New Mexico

This place really opened my eyes to contemporary Native American art.

I love Bob Haozous' "Indian Speak"

We saw some great short films by Trevino Brings Plenty

Spend a little time this long weekend checking out the Native American art scene on line. There is a lot going on—

Despite the best efforts of Christopher Columbus.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I Promise!

Canyon Road- Santa Fe, New Mexico

I promise never, ever again to make eye contact and nod thoughtfully while secretly compiling our dinner menu and grocery list in my head as you are waxing eloquently in regard to the how superior Unix is compared to Microsoft (again). ...Or when you explain in great detail the pros and cons (along with the country of origin) of the dozens of (free!) operating systems available on Unix…or something. How does that all work again? I WILL pay attention this time.

I promise never, ever again complain that the grass is taller than the dog in the back yard as you spend an entire weekend trying to tweak the above mentioned operating system into do something that any other “normal” computer does right out of the box.


Because, techno-man of my dreams, you performed CPR on my laptop and breathed just enough life back into it to be able to retrieve my Santa Fe photos. You worked your IT magic and plucked the photos from my computer’s scrambled mind right before the brain transplant- even though others said it couldn't be done.

ExtraSpecialBitter you totally rock!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

On The Dance Floor

Chicken Bone Saloon- Framingham, Massachusetts

Monday, October 02, 2006

Some Blues Guitar In The Background Please...

"The Chicken Bone Saloon" Framingham, Massachusetts
Back from Santa Fe. Very much full of the blues.
I took a few shots that had some nice potential...
-Beautiful red chiles.
-The incredible texture of adobe in the setting sun.
-Insane people under the influence of too much tequila ;-)
Was so careful to download them every day to my laptop to free up space on my digital camera.
Oh so organized.
Got home last night to find my laptop hard drive (and all my photos on it) has crashed and blown away like a New Mexican tumbleweed.
I'm very sad.
PS- This is our friend Joey Pappas from The Paramounts-
An excellent / underrated Boston blues band.
We saw them a few nights before we left.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Outta Here

OK kids-
Mr. ExtraSpecialBitter and I are on our way to Santa Fe. I'm bringing my camera- He's bringing his note pad. We'll be back in a week with images to share. Be nice to each other while we are away. MMM

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Real Men

Pet Rock Festival- Worcester, Massachusetts

Friday, September 22, 2006


Pet Rock Festival- Worcester, Massachusetts
"Hey down there...Mr. Pit Bull- Your mother was a bitch!!
HA HA! NEYH NEYH...You can't get me....PLLLLFFFFFTT!"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Little Moment

Pet Rock Festival- Worcester, Massachusetts
There were hundreds of dogs and humans in attendance along with all of the craziness that goes with that combination.
This was a nice little moment at the end of the day.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Night On The Town

Brimfield Antiques Show- Brimfield, Massachusetts
A little mineral makeup, and some serious lip liner and she'll be ready for a night on the town.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Brimfield Antiques Show- Brimfield, Massachusetts
1. Missing him so much she wears his hat.
2. Missing both arms.
3. Missing her blouse.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pile Of G. I. Joes

Brimfield Antiques Show- Brimfield, Massachusetts
I don't know about you, but the guy in the shadowy background- the one looking over G. I. Jake Gyllenhaal's shoulder is really creeping me out.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The "Deluxe Model"

Brimfield Antiques Show- Brimfield, Massachusetts
Irving & Betty slowly came to the realization that they should have spent the extra money for one of the "deluxe model" retirement condos that had actual walls.